“The essence of any business is personnel, product, profit. If you have problems with the first point, you can forget about the other two."
Lee Iacocca
The staff is the face of any restaurant or hotel, it is the most important resource of this business. It depends on the level of service whether the client will make a good opinion about you or never return. Therefore, customer focus and the ability to resolve any conflict, to please any, even the most capricious client, are the main qualities of restaurant and hotel employees. We provide training for the restaurant and hotel business on various topics. This can be training both for managers and for ordinary employees. Most of our trainings are practical, so your employees will receive not just knowledge, but the skills to work effectively. Each training will be adjusted to your specific tasks and features.
Training topics
Effective service and principles of a customer-oriented approach
Working with conflicts and objections
If you did not find the program you are interested in in the list, please contact us. We can prepare a training and provide a trainer for your unique request.
You can always get detailed training programs by calling us or writing.
You can contact us in any way convenient for you