Schedule of business trainings and seminars

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Interview techniques. Competency interview. DISC&Motivators

The purpose of the training: to gain practical skills for conducting interviews on competencies when applying for a job and for the formation of a personnel reserve.

  • Ability to develop interviews on competencies for various positions and for various tasks.
  • Mastering the technique of conducting interviews on competencies according to the STAR model.
  • Evaluation of the influence of the interviewer's personality on the result of the interview based on the DISC&Motivators typology
  • Express diagnostics of the candidate's psychotype, his motives based on the DISC&Motivators typology


Personnel development, evaluation of training effectiveness | School of Personnel Assessment and Development 3 module

School of professional retraining for managers in personnel assessment and development.

3 module. Personnel development, evaluation of training effectiveness

The purpose of the program: the skills of conducting training for observers, consolidating the material covered, the practical development of modern methods of personnel development, evaluating the effectiveness of training.

Training duration: 3 days

Means: Evaluation Centers simulation: each participant will simulate a part of the training for observers - internal experts, and then conduct an Evaluation Center to validate the developed assessment tools.

Each graduate will learn how to conduct an Assessment Center, receive developing feedback from colleagues and the coach, and form a plan for their further individual development.

Format for evaluating the effectiveness of training: Self-development Center.


  • Simulation of training for internal observers.
  • Defense of theses on the development of the Assessment Center.
  • Modeling of the Center of self-development.
  • Validation of Assessment Centers developed by participants.
  • Acquaintance with modern methods of training and development of personnel.
  • Drawing up a matrix of developmental actions on competencies.
  • Techniques for developmental feedback based on evaluation results.
  • Drawing up plans for individual development.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of training. Participant certification.


Facilitation and Facilitation Sessions | School of business coaches 2 module

Target: introduce facilitation tools for making group decisions, involving employees, using human resources, developing and implementing the necessary changes.


  1. Introduction to facilitation tools.
  2. The ability to involve employees in the processes of problem analysis and decision making, development of innovations, project management, implementation of changes.
  3. Ability to form project teams, effectively hold meetings, draw up and implement a change implementation plan.
  4. Ability to manage conflicts in a team with the help of facilitation.
  5. The ability to brightly, interestingly conduct group events in different formats (brainstorming, conferences, working meetings, project groups, meetings).
  6. Development of flexibility, creativity in working with people, the ability to improvise.
  7. Increasing responsibility for the results of company employees.


Building a system of training and development of personnel

Advanced training course in the specialty "Manager for training and development of personnel"

For whom:

personnel training and development specialists, personnel training and development managers, personnel managers, business coaches, personnel specialists, heads of structural divisions, deputy heads of the organization for personnel, directors of personnel.


  • analysis and planning of personnel training and development;
  • ensuring the process of training and development of personnel;
  • implementation of the process of training and development of personnel;
  • evaluation of the personnel training and development system;
  • management of the personnel training and development system.


  • mini-lectures;
  • demonstrations;
  • interactive learning;
  • video analysis;
  • unique style of "training in training";
  • feedback in training.
  • methodological aids.


 Knowledge and skills necessary to improve the effectiveness of training and development of personnel in the company.


Emotional intelligence in business and in life

For whom: for those who, regardless of profession and position, are aimed at increasing personal efficiency, are ready to change the quality of their lives, changing themselves. For those who are ready to take courage and look into their own inner world, study its laws and learn to live in harmony with it.

Purpose of the training: explore your level of emotional intelligence; understand the basic techniques of its development; manage your own emotional state.


  • Awareness of your emotions. Often we do not control our emotions, but they control us for one single reason - we are not aware of them. As soon as emotions, desires become conscious, we have a choice of ways to respond.
    You will begin to study the "ABC of emotions", practice recognizing your own emotions and the emotions of others.
    Learn to understand emotions, consciously use them in life and to solve business problems.
    You will be able to explore your own potential in order to find the necessary resources within yourself to increase your personal effectiveness.
    Increase your own emotional competence and stress resistance.


Basics of coaching | School of business coaches 3 module

Target: development of communicative competence and emotional intelligence to achieve goals in working with people


  • The ability to set conscious goals and form a plan for individual development.
  • Ability to establish boundaries of responsibility.
  • Learn how to develop emotional intelligence in yourself and others.
  • The ability to conduct a conversation by asking questions, listening.
  • Ability to separate facts from opinions.
  • The ability to increase the level of awareness of the interlocutor for safety and personal efficiency, a new quality of life.
  • Transformation of negative dominants.
  • The ability to restore mental balance, balance in behavior.
  • Ability to accompany others in the process of change.
  • Ability to identify stress levels.
  • The ability to desensitize a stressful state, bring another to a working state.
  • The ability to form resource states in others to achieve goals.
  • The ability to restore internal balance for sustainable development.


Pilot project of the Assessment Center for participants of the School of Assessment and Personnel Development

  • Pilot project of the Assessment Center for participants of the School of Assessment and Personnel Development
  • Ceremonial presentation of diplomas on professional retraining


Defense of diploma projects at the School of Business Coaches

  • Defense of diploma projects of participants of the School of Business Coaches
  • Ceremonial presentation of diplomas on professional retraining

Wingwave Coaching Certification Course 1 module

Purpose of the training: mastering the methods of managing professional burnout, stress, revealing talents to improve the efficiency of personal and corporate efficiency.

In the course program:

  • The history of wingwave®-coaching and its components.
  • wingwave® coaching protocol, 12 stages of intervention in wingwave® coaching.
  • Technology of coaching and self-coaching based on bilateral stimulation of the hemispheres.
  • Myostatic O-shaped test: description of the method, application technology, results of use.
  • Reducing Negative Emotional Responses with Wingwave® Coaching
  • Definition of negative, destructive, beliefs and emotional states.
  • Applying coaching to post-achievement stress.
  • Coaching Resources and Dealing with Limiting Beliefs
  • Stress management techniques and stress reduction


Trainers training. Development and implementation of business trainings | School of business coaches 1 module 

Target: mastering the technology of developing and conducting business training.


  1. Obtaining a system for creating your own programs to solve various business problems;
  2. Skills of building a thematic module in the training;
  3. Trainer's tools skills;
  4. Skills of working with different types of participants, overcoming group resistance at different stages of group dynamics;
  5. The ability to develop and conduct business training, individual term paper on your topic - a ready-made mini-training;
  6. Development of skills for successful and confident public speaking;
  7. Obtaining a certificate of the established form on advanced training on the topic "Development and conduct of business training" (or a diploma of professional retraining and an international certificate upon completion of 3 modules)


Building a system for assessing and developing personnel | Schools of personnel assessment and development 1 module

School of professional retraining for managers in personnel assessment and development.

1 module. Building a system for assessing and developing personnel

Target: a systematic approach to the assessment and development of personnel in the company according to competencies, the connection between assessment and an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of the business.

Duration: 3 days, from 10:00 to 18:00.

Facilities: mini-lectures, work in mini-groups, performance of individual tasks, role-playing and business games, video analysis, feedback, teaching materials.

The format for evaluating the effectiveness of training in the first module:
1) professional testing at the beginning and end of the module;
2) homework: develop a job profile for a specific position; develop a competency model (professional or managerial) describe competencies by levels of manifestation; make a budget calculation for the assessment and training of staff to implement changes, prepare a presentation for managers.


1. Understanding the principles of formation of personnel policy in the company, the place and role of the line manager and manager for evaluation and development.
2. The ability to develop a position profile and work with it to improve the efficiency of personnel management.
3. Skills for setting goals, determining key performance indicators, building a monitoring and evaluation system based on KPI.
4. Understanding why competencies are needed to achieve business goals.
5. Mastering the principles of developing professional, managerial and corporate competencies, technology for highlighting key competencies, behavioral indicators, describing the competency model by levels.
6. The ability to build an ideal competency profile and a motivational profile.
7. Acquaintance with the main methods of personnel assessment, understanding when to use which tool and how to validate it for the specifics of the company, business tasks.
8. Mastering the technology of conducting a survey using the “360 degrees” method to introduce changes in the behavior of employees.
9. Acquaintance with the technology of forming a personnel reserve.
10. Acquaintance with the legal aspects of the assessment and certification of personnel.


Facilitation and Facilitation Sessions | School of business coaches 2 module 

Target: introduce facilitation tools for making group decisions, involving employees, using human resources, developing and implementing the necessary changes.


  1. Introduction to facilitation tools.
  2. The ability to involve employees in the processes of problem analysis and decision making, development of innovations, project management, implementation of changes.
  3. Ability to form project teams, effectively hold meetings, draw up and implement a change implementation plan.
  4. Ability to manage conflicts in a team with the help of facilitation.
  5. The ability to brightly, interestingly conduct group events in different formats (brainstorming, conferences, working meetings, project groups, meetings).
  6. Development of flexibility, creativity in working with people, the ability to improvise.
  7. Increasing responsibility for the results of company employees.


Technology Transfer Assessment Center | School of Personnel Assessment and Development 2 module

School of professional retraining for managers in personnel assessment and development.

2 module. Transfer of Technology Assessment Center (Assessment Center)

The Assessment Center is currently the most reliable method for assessing the potential of candidates and employees. It is used when hiring employees, allocating a personnel reserve, and identifying compliance with the level of development with the necessary competencies.

Program goals: transfer of technology for modeling the Assessment Center, skills for monitoring, setting and agreeing on final grades, and generating final reports.

Duration: 3 days

Facilities: each participant of the training will be able to play in three roles: a developer, an observer and a participant in the Assessment Center. Each type of task in the Grade Center is played and analyzed at least two times.
Participants learn to independently develop individual tasks of the Assessment Center and describe behavioral indicators by levels for each task.
The training uses video analysis and informative feedback to help participants improve their personal and professional competence.


1. Acquaintance with the standards of the Assessment Center.
2. Understanding the basic principles of organization of the Assessment Center in the company.
3. Mastering the main tools of the Assessment Center.
4. Skills in developing the Assessment Center, adapting assessment tools to the task and the Company.
5. Skills of observation, analysis of the obtained results and setting an integral assessment.
6. Competency-based interviewing skills.
7. Skills in the formation of the final report, the ability to draw conclusions, build and justify personnel forecasts.


Basics of coaching | School of business coaches 3 module

Target: development of communicative competence and emotional intelligence to achieve goals in working with people


  • The ability to set conscious goals and form a plan for individual development.
  • Ability to establish boundaries of responsibility.
  • Learn how to develop emotional intelligence in yourself and others.
  • The ability to conduct a conversation by asking questions, listening.
  • Ability to separate facts from opinions.
  • The ability to increase the level of awareness of the interlocutor for safety and personal efficiency, a new quality of life.
  • Transformation of negative dominants.
  • The ability to restore mental balance, balance in behavior.
  • Ability to accompany others in the process of change.
  • Ability to identify stress levels.
  • The ability to desensitize a stressful state, bring another to a working state.
  • The ability to form resource states in others to achieve goals.
  • The ability to restore internal balance for sustainable development.


Personnel development, evaluation of training effectiveness | School of Personnel Assessment and Development 3 module

School of professional retraining for managers in personnel assessment and development.

3 module. Personnel development, evaluation of training effectiveness

Program goal: skills in conducting training for observers, consolidating the material covered, practical mastering of modern methods of personnel development, evaluating the effectiveness of training.

Training duration: 3 days


assessment centers simulation: each participant will simulate a fragment of training for observers - internal experts, and then conduct an assessment center to validate the developed assessment tools.

Each graduate will learn how to conduct an Assessment Center, receive developmental feedback from colleagues and the coach, and form a plan for their further individual development.

Format for evaluating the effectiveness of training: Self-development Center.


  • Simulation of training for internal observers.
  • Defense of theses on the development of the Assessment Center.
  • Modeling of the Center of self-development.
  • Validation of Assessment Centers developed by participants.
  • Acquaintance with modern methods of training and development of personnel.
  • Drawing up a matrix of developmental actions on competencies.
  • Techniques for developmental feedback based on evaluation results.
  • Drawing up plans for individual development.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of training. Participant certification.


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    Robocontract LLC (TIN: 7728848575) is engaged in innovative methods for building effective teams, including through the use of methods for testing the psychological compatibility of team members and employees. 

    Robocontract LLC is a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center


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