2 module.
Technology Transfer of the Assessment Center
- Goals and objectives, features of different schools, standards of the Assessment Center.
- Assessment Center tools, types of tasks by types of competencies.
- Development of exercises, interviews, forms for the analysis of behavioral indicators for the tasks of the Assessment Center, interviews on competencies.
- Competency Assessment Matrix. Assessment Center script.
- Rules for monitoring during the Assessment Center.
- Principles of coordination and presentation of final grades.
- Formation of final reports on the results of the assessment
How do we rate?
3 module.
Personnel development, evaluation of training effectiveness
Staff training and development. Matrix of developing actions.
- Simulation of training for internal observers.
- Defense of theses on the development of the Assessment Center.
- Modeling of the Center of self-development.
- Validation of Assessment Centers developed by participants.
- Techniques for developmental feedback based on evaluation results.
- Drawing up plans for individual development.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of training. Participant certification.
What do we do with the results and how do we prepare the team?
Ceremonial presentation of diplomas on professional retraining
Separate module (3 days)
Course (3 modules, 9 days)
Bring a friend or colleague and get another 10% discount on your visit, if you come together - 15%
You are getting:
Methodological materials for trainings in paper and electronic form;
Assessment Center Standards;
Templates of regulatory documents, local regulations;
"Library" of competencies;
"Library" of tasks of the Assessment Centers;
An example of the Assessment Center Guidelines for the formation of a personnel reserve;
Sample Assessment Center Guide for Sales Managers;
coffee breaks;
Individual consulting on the development and implementation of assessment, certification in the Company;
Diploma of professional retraining in accordance with the professional standard "specialist in personnel management.
Distinctive features of the course
- Transfer of technologies and assessment tools;
- Personal and professional growth;
- Practicality. Each participant independently develops the methodology of the Assessment Center for a certain category of employees for the task;
- Skills in developing and validating assessment tools;
- Technologies for implementing an assessment and development system to achieve business results
Module programs
Module 1. Building a system for assessing and developing personnel
1. Building a system for assessing and developing personnel
Purpose: a systematic approach to the assessment and development of personnel in the company according to competencies, the connection between assessment and an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of the business.
Duration: 3 days, from 10:00 to 18:00.
Means: mini-lectures, work in mini-groups, individual tasks, role-playing and business games, video analysis, feedback, teaching materials.
The format for evaluating the effectiveness of training in the first module:1) professional testing at the beginning and end of the module;
2) homework: develop a job profile for a specific position; develop a competency model (professional or managerial) describe competencies by levels of manifestation; make a budget calculation for the assessment and training of staff to implement changes, prepare a presentation for managers.
1. Understanding the principles of formation of personnel policy in the company, the place and role of the line manager and manager for evaluation and development.
2. The ability to develop a position profile and work with it to improve the efficiency of personnel management.
3. Skills for setting goals, determining key performance indicators, building a monitoring and evaluation system based on KPI.
4. Understanding why competencies are needed to achieve business goals.
5. Mastering the principles of developing professional, managerial and corporate competencies, technology for highlighting key competencies, behavioral indicators, describing the competency model by levels.
6. The ability to build an ideal competency profile and a motivational profile.
7. Acquaintance with the main methods of personnel assessment, understanding when to use which tool and how to validate it for the specifics of the company, business tasks.
8. Mastering the technology of conducting a survey using the “360 degrees” method to introduce changes in the behavior of employees.
9. Acquaintance with the technology of forming a personnel reserve.
10. Acquaintance with the legal aspects of the assessment and certification of personnel.
1. Introduction of basic concepts
- professional standards. How to use them to improve the efficiency of the company.
- definition of "competence", "key competence", "model of competencies", "system of competencies", "competence";
- types of competencies;
- ideal competency profile;
- position profile;
- personel assessment;
- personnel certification;
- structure of the corporate Center for personnel assessment and development;
- functions of the manager for the evaluation and development of personnel;
- the role of the line manager in the assessment and development of personnel in the Company.
2. Position profile
- components of the position profile;
- functional areas of responsibility;
- formulation of business tasks according to the SMART principle;
- technology for determining functional and project key KPIs;
- technology for developing an ideal motivational profile;
- use of the position profile in personnel management.
3. Technology for the development of key competencies
- organization competency map;
- technology of working with the "library of competencies";
- principles for developing a competency model.
- stages of developing a competency model;
- methods of collecting information for developing a competency model: repertory grid method, critical incident method, direct attribute method, focus group, interviewing, Work Profiling System (WPS);
- advantages of "their" system of competencies;
- modeling corporate competencies;
- modeling professional and personal competencies;
- technology for highlighting behavioral indicators and determining the competence of the "wheel";
- method of paired comparisons of highlighting key competencies;
- competency assessment scales, when to use which scale;
- description of competencies by levels of manifestation.
4. Implementation of a competency system to improve the performance of employees
- the place and role of personnel assessment in the system of business processes in the company;
- technologies for using competencies to improve the efficiency of personnel;
- life cycle of an employee in a position;
- stages of implementation of changes using the competency model;
- ISO standards for quality management in the field of evaluation and development;
- the best world practices for improving the efficiency of personnel activities through the introduction of a system for assessing and developing personnel;
- formation of a budget for the assessment and training of personnel;
- how to implement changes;
- PR systems for personnel assessment and development.
5. Personnel assessment methods
- the difference between assessment and attestation;
- professional testing, types of questions and answers;
- methods of modeling professional tests;
- assessment of competencies using a survey / surveys (180\270\360), when, how and why to use;
- personal questionnaires to identify the potential of an employee, compatibility and manageability, familiarity with the DISC methodology;
- familiarity with tests for identifying abilities and individual characteristics (Amthauer test, Belbin test, Herzberg test), how to analyze and use them to make managerial decisions;
- what is the Assessment Center and why is it needed;
- performance evaluation;
- the concept of "validity" and "reliability" of the assessment, how to ensure it;
- the role of the head and hr-manager in personnel assessment;
- familiarity with software for conducting surveys and testing.
6. Formation of a personnel reserve
- types of personnel reserve;
- stages of personnel reserve formation;
- methods for allocating a personnel reserve;
- employee career planning;
- regulation on the formation of a personnel reserve;
- training of reservists;
- assessment of the effectiveness of training;
- how to use the personnel reserve, work with it;
- formation of ratings to increase responsibility for the result;
- making decisions on appointment to a new position;
- analysis of best practices.
7. Requirements of regulatory acts for the assessment and certification
- the difference between assessment and attestation;
- the procedure for preparing and conducting certification;
- evaluation procedure;
- personnel decisions that the employer has the right to make based on the results of assessment and certification, their implementation;
- legal requirements, labor code, judicial practice;
- the best examples of provisions, forms, local regulations.
Module 2: Technology Transfer of the Assessment Center
2. Technology Transfer of the Assessment Center
The Assessment Center is currently the most reliable method for assessing the potential of candidates and employees. It is used when hiring employees, allocating a personnel reserve, and identifying compliance with the level of development with the necessary competencies.
The objectives of the program: the transfer of technology for modeling the Assessment Center, the skills of observation, setting and agreeing on final grades, and generating final reports.
Duration: 3 days, from 10:00 to 18:00.
Means: each participant of the training will be able to play in three roles: a developer, an observer and a participant in the Assessment Center. Each type of task in the Grade Center is played and analyzed at least two times.
Participants learn to independently develop individual tasks of the Assessment Center and describe behavioral indicators by levels for each task.
The training uses video analysis and informative feedback to help participants improve their personal and professional competence.
The format for evaluating the effectiveness of training in the second module: Doing homework on the development of the GUIDELINES of the EVALUATION CENTER.
1. Acquaintance with the standards of the Assessment Center.
2. Understanding the basic principles of organization of the Assessment Center in the company.
3. Mastering the main tools of the Assessment Center.
4. Skills in developing the Assessment Center, adapting assessment tools to the task and the Company.
5. Skills of observation, analysis of the obtained results and setting an integral assessment.
6. Competency-based interviewing skills.
7. Skills in the formation of the final report, the ability to draw conclusions, build and justify personnel forecasts.
1. Technology Assessment Center
- goals and objectives of the Assessment Center;
- features, possibilities and limitations of the use of technology;
- resources needed to organize and conduct the Assessment Center;
- German, American and Russian schools of the Assessment Center;
- structure and stages of the Assessment Center;
- formation of an expert commission, action plan;
- informing the participants of the Assessment Center, memorandum;
- "three pillars" of the Assessment Center;
- principles and rules of observation during the Assessment Center;
- analysis of typical mistakes;
- principles of analysis of the received information;
- grading scale and principles for scoring an exercise;
- familiarization with the international standards of the Assessment Center.
2. Tools for assessment
- cases: working and projective, individual and group,
- clarification interview;
- types of discussion and business games;
- types of presentations;
- role-playing games;
- technology for conducting the Assessment Center in the form of a business game;
- protocols, analysis forms for exercises;
- assessment of the validity and reliability of the assessment center tools.
3. Competency interview
- types of interviews, distinctive features of interviews by competencies;
- chains of questions according to the STAR method, indicators of answers;
- principles for developing competency-based interviews;
- methods for identifying explicit and hidden motives of the assessment participant;
- BBB model for identifying leadership potential;
- stages of conducting a structured interview;
- establishing contact with different types of interlocutors;
- active and empathic listening during the interview;
- signs of a lie;
- closed and clarifying questions as a method of a provocative interview;
- how to properly complete an interview on competencies;
- principles of giving final grades.
Scenario Formation Technology for Evaluation
- methods and principles of exercise modeling in the Assessment Center;
- technology for adapting assessment tools;
- technology for developing individual tasks of the Assessment Center;
- technology of time accounting and formation of the scenario of the Assessment Center.
5. Analysis of the received data
- rules for working with protocols;
- principles of filling in the final matrix of the Assessment Center;
- qualitative and quantitative assessment indicators;
- technology for setting and coordinating integral assessments;
- analytical report forms.
Module 3. Personnel Development, Training Evaluation
3. Personnel development, evaluation of training effectiveness
Objectives: skills in conducting training for observers, consolidating the material covered, practical mastering of modern methods of personnel development, evaluating the effectiveness of training.
Duration: 3 days, from 10:00 to 18:00.
Means: Evaluation Centers simulation: each participant will simulate a part of the training for observers - internal experts, and then conduct an Evaluation Center to validate the developed assessment tools.
Each graduate will learn how to conduct an Assessment Center, receive developing feedback from colleagues and the coach, and form a plan for their further individual development.
Format for evaluating the effectiveness of training: Self-development Center.
- Simulation of training for internal observers.
- Defense of theses on the development of the Assessment Center.
- Modeling of the Center of self-development.
- Validation of Assessment Centers developed by participants.
- Acquaintance with modern methods of training and development of personnel.
- Drawing up a matrix of developmental actions on competencies.
- Techniques for developmental feedback based on evaluation results.
- Drawing up plans for individual development.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of training. Participant certification.
1. Preparing for the Assessment Center
- tasks of the Assessment Center, program minimum and maximum;
- preparation of materials for observers;
- methods of training observers;
- distribution of roles in the team;
- preparation of the premises;
- the role of the lead Evaluation Centre.
2. Training of observers
- how to form an expert commission, selection of internal observers;
- technology of informing observers;
- methods of motivating observers for constructive work;
- introduction of work rules;
- thematic modules for training observers;
- practicing observation skills;
- Validation of the Assessment Center.
3. Tools of the Lead Assessment Center
- how to start the Assessment Center and win over the participants;
- 6 steps of the prologue;
- image of the leading Assessment Center;
- rules for instructing participants in the Assessment Center;
- feedback technology during the Assessment Center;
- non-verbal communications of the leader and the group;
- methods of working with group resistance;
- summing up the Assessment Center, how to properly complete the Assessment Center.
4. Employee training and development tools
- trainings, seminars, lectures, ZDO, webinars;
- self-learning;
- mentoring;
- budding;
- shadowing;
- delegation;
- informing and developing feedback;
- coaching;
- development of a matrix of developmental actions for the manager for the assessment and development of personnel in terms of competencies.
5. Feedback on the results of the evaluation
- goals and objectives of feedback;
- types and levels of feedback;
- feedback principles;
- the stages of conducting a conversation for feedback on the results of the evaluation;
- developmental feedback technology according to the GROW model;
- feedback to “difficult employees”;
- definition of learning objectives;
- technology for drawing up an individual development plan;
- career planning.
6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of training
- Kirkpatrick model;
- Bloom's Taxonomy model, Hawthorne effect;
- Center for self-development, as a form of assessing the effectiveness of training;
- a 360-degree survey to evaluate the effectiveness of training;
- ratings for work with personnel reserve;
- return on investment (ROI);
- return on expectations (ROE);
- Defense of diploma projects. Certification of School participants.
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