Building a system for assessing and developing personnel | Schools of personnel assessment and development 1 module

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School of professional retraining for managers in personnel assessment and development.

Module 1. Building a personnel assessment and development system

Goal: a systematic approach to the assessment and development of personnel in the company according to competencies, the connection of assessment and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the business.

Duration: 3 days, from 10:00 to 18:00.

Means: mini-lectures, work in mini-groups, individual tasks, role-playing and business games, video analysis, feedback, teaching materials.

Format for evaluating the effectiveness of training in the first module:
1) professional testing at the beginning and end of the module;
2) homework: develop a job profile for a specific position; develop a competency model (professional or managerial) describe competencies by levels of manifestation; make a budget calculation for the assessment and training of staff to implement changes, prepare a presentation for managers.


1. Understanding the principles of formation of personnel policy in the company, the place and role of the line manager and manager for evaluation and development.
2. Ability to develop a position profile and work with it to improve the efficiency of personnel management.
3. Skills for setting goals, determining key performance indicators, building a monitoring and evaluation system based on KPI.
4. Understanding why competencies are needed to achieve business goals.
5. Mastering the principles of developing professional, managerial and corporate competencies, technology for highlighting key competencies, behavioral indicators, describing the competency model by levels.
6. The ability to build an ideal competency profile and a motivational profile.
7. Acquaintance with the main methods of personnel assessment, understanding when to use which tool and how to validate it for the specifics of the company, business tasks.
8. Mastering the technology of conducting a survey using the “360 degrees” method to introduce changes in the behavior of employees.
9. Acquaintance with the technology of forming a personnel reserve.
10. Acquaintance with the legal aspects of the assessment and certification of personnel.


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