Training Leadership Style Coaching

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Coaching management is a method of helping an employee find his own solutions or move forward in any difficult situation.

Coaching management is a supportive attitude towards an employee, it focuses on ensuring that the employee achieves goals by independently solving the problems facing him, while achieving the greatest realization of his abilities and opportunities.

The purpose of the program: increasing the personal effectiveness of company leaders.

Duration: 2 days

Means: mini-lectures, exercises, role-playing games with video analysis.


  • Introduction to the basics of coaching.
  • Mastering tools for personnel development in the workplace.
  • The ability to conduct developmental conversations to set and achieve goals.
  • Developing communication skills and emotional intelligence.

Thematic plan:

1. Basic Coaching Concepts

2. Key tools in coaching

3. GROW model for actively involving the interlocutor in setting goals and self-motivation to achieve them
Goals - SETTING GOALS for this activity, for the near future, for the long term.
Reality — REALITY, INVESTIGATION of the current situation from the standpoint of understanding reality.
Options - A LIST OF OPPORTUNITIES and further strategies or courses of action.
What, When, Who, Will - TO, what needs to be done, determining when and to whom (identifying INTENTS).

4. ORID model to encourage an employee to independently analyze the effectiveness of their behavior in the project, the development of the interlocutor
O (Objective) - Objective questions
R (Reflective) - Reflective Questions
I (Interpretive) - Interpretive Questions
D (Decisional) - Decisive questions.

5. SCORE model for problem situations analysis

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    Robocontract LLC (TIN: 7728848575) is engaged in innovative methods for building effective teams, including through the use of methods for testing the psychological compatibility of team members and employees. 

    Robocontract LLC is a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center

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