"Trimetrix HD" testing

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Personality research in 4 directions


This technique is based on a comprehensive assessment of four different areas - behavior (the founder of the DISC theory is Dr. W. Marston), values or motivators (developed by Professor E. Spranger), insight (R. Hartman's formal axiology) and competencies.

This tool allows you to quickly identify the individual characteristics of the employee's personality type, how a person interacts with other people, how he makes decisions, how he organizes his work, how he manages subordinates, and the diagnosis of motivators shows why he behaves the way he does. Knowledge of these features will allow more productive interaction with the employee, with the team to improve the efficiency of the Company as a whole.

The tool from the American company TTI Success Insights® - a study of personality in 4 directions (Trimetrix HD) includes:


Styles of behavior
Behavior styles are measured in relation to four types (according to the DISC method: dominance
(Dominance), influence (Influence), constancy (Steadiness) and compliance (Compliance)) and show what result the employee will give out, what value he will bring to the team, as well as the ideal working environment for him and the problems that he can collide.

Motivators are measured in six key domains (theoretical, utilitarian, aesthetic, social, individualistic, and rational). Motivators are the windows through which a person looks at the world, which determines his style of behavior. Motivators show why a person behaves in a particular way - that is, what motivates a person to do their job.


Measurements are made in three directions of thinking - internal, external and systemic, and then for each, in turn, in the direction of assessing the world around us and seeing oneself. Insight, or ingenuity, and depth of perception, determines how a person thinks and makes decisions, gives an understanding of his natural abilities and capabilities.

This section measures 25 personal qualities directly related to professional activities. There are three levels of quality expression: “well developed”, “medium developed”, “not developed”. Combined with a job description, a competency assessment finds the ideal combination of a person's intrinsic qualities with the interpersonal skills they need for the job.


In order to pass the assessment, employees fill out a special questionnaire, then after passing the test, an in-depth comprehensive interview is conducted with each participant, and after that a group report is prepared with the ratings of the assessed employees and with recommendations for development and enrollment in the personnel reserve (if necessary). It is also possible, using this technique, to form the most effective teams that will be aimed at solving problems, rather than clarifying relationships within the team.

 Robocontract LLC offers a completely new and unique way to conduct a comprehensive assessment of its employees in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost.

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    Robocontract LLC (TIN: 7728848575) is engaged in innovative methods for building effective teams, including through the use of methods for testing the psychological compatibility of team members and employees. 

    Robocontract LLC is a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center


    115162, Россия, город Москва, Хавская, 11 8-495-128-99-61