Program №1
Complex sales
Complex selling is active sales training in a form that is relevant to today's situation. Activity consists, first of all, in the ability and readiness to influence the decision made by the client. Complexity is understood as a multi-stage process of interaction with the client, the high cost of a unit of goods and
Unpredictability of the process of making a purchase decision by a client. The main objective of the training is to develop emotional competence and the ability to influence the decision made by the client.
The content basis of the training is work at those sales stages where there is direct interaction with the client:
- Creating relationships
- Clarifying needs
- Working with doubts, objections and excuses,
- Creating arrangements
The intended audience of the training is experienced employees who know well WHAT to do at each stage of sales. The focus of attention is shifted to HOW they do it and WHY, that is, what will be the result of a successful one.
Key knowledge:
- Decision mechanism
- Methods of influencing the decision-making process
- The concept of "focus of attention"
- Friend or foe behavior pattern
Key skills:
- Emotional Engagement Skill
- The skill of recognizing doubts, objections and excuses, technologies
- working with each feedback option
- The skill of recognizing false information - an inoculation against
- "unforced errors"
The worldview of a successful seller as a guarantee of effective sales
- Identification and analysis of effective and ineffective personal approaches
- seller influencing customer behavior
- Create a Sales Success Profile (Successful Salesperson mindset
- personal qualities, communication skills, knowledge of sales technology)
- Shaping a positive and supportive attitude about yourself as a salesperson
Emotional Intelligence and Communication Competence
- The essence of selling is the satisfaction of a need
- Empathy as the most important competence of a seller
- Communication channels Verbal, Vocal and Visual
- Principles of recognition of false information.
Decision-making mechanism.
- 10 decision points
- Irrational and rational components of motivation
- Sales technology as a technique for consistently influencing decision making.
Sales technology.
- Establishing relationships
- Clarifying needs. Ability to identify true motives and values
- Presentation. The customer's need as the basis of the seller's argument
- Working with objections. Algorithm for working with objections, circumstances,
- doubts. Analysis of inefficient techniques
- Completion of the deal. Practicing the skills of forming long-term
- customer relations.
Establish a relationship with the client.
- Building trust in relationships in person or over the phone
- The concept of "focus of attention", the ability to manage one's own focus of attention.
- Transmitting the company's image in the first seconds of a meeting with a client
- Practicing self-presentation skills
- "Partner position" as an effective engagement tool
The customer's need as the basis of the seller's argument.
- The ability to identify the true motives that prompt a purchase
- The art of asking questions
- SPIN is a technique of asking questions as a way of persuading the client and bringing him
- it to the solution
- Categories and value words
- Formation of a package of questions, taking into account the specifics of a particular product
- The ability to listen and hear. Practicing active listening
Product presentation.
- Create and compare "Product Values" and "Existing Customer Values" segment charts
- Recognizing different types of core values of the customer to offer the product that best suits their needs
- Competitive advantages of the company
- Skills to present a proposal by identifying the benefits and benefits of using them.
- The use of value words. Creating images that attract customers
Clearing customer doubts and objections. Working with circumstances and excuses.
- Classification of feedback: doubts, objections, excuses,
- circumstances
- Algorithm for dealing with objections
- Reasonable provocation method
- Motive amplification principletions
Conclusion of the deal and the final stage of the sale.
- Summarizing and debriefing
- Sentence statement
- Practicing skills for building long-term relationships with clients and
- repeat sales
Accompaniment. Subsequent interaction with the client.
- Analysis of the situation: conclusions, lessons, discoveries
- Accompanying the client - new goals, new plans.
- Interaction strategy, interaction tactics
Material Integration
Declaration of intent and creation of an action plan for the development and implementation of new strategies and knowledge into practice
Program #2
Technology of sales and attracting new customers
Duration: 16 hours.
Participants: employees responsible for attracting new customers and making the sale.
Training Goal: Improve your skills in attracting new customers and conducting effective sales negotiations
Section 1. Preparing for negotiations
- Personal training
The methods of personal readiness of a sales manager for work, affecting the personal aspect. Work to increase motivation, self-confidence. Eliminate negative experiences. Positive mental attitude. Developing enthusiasm as an important success factor.
- Vocational training
What the seller should know. Statistics. Preparing meetings. Rules for effective planning. Three positions of perception. Sales manager relationship - organization. Types of motivation and features effects on the psyche (-from, - to). Psychological attitudes and their influence on interaction with a partner. The 20/80 principle.
- How do we get knowledge
Unconscious incompetence - conscious incompetence - conscious competence - unconscious competence
Section 2. Personal contact with the client
- Types of communication
Verbal. Characteristic. Non-verbal. Poses, gestures, facial expressions. Paralinguistics. visual communication. Disclosure of the features of each component.
- Determining the type of person
Visual. Audial. Kinesthetic. Features of the manifestation of the type. How to use information about the type of partner in your work. How to read the unconscious. External manifestations of internal processes. Access keys. External manifestations of lies.
- Trust (rapport)
Building conscious trust. Building unconscious trust (rapport). Algorithm for building rapport. What can you adjust to.
- Congruency
Incongruence is an important sign in communication. You need to be more careful, there may be problems. How to recognize incongruence. Ways to be congruent.
- Body language
What body position can reveal. Postures of readiness for communication. Head position and what it means. Facial expressions and gestures.
Section 3. Finding out the needs and requirements of the client
- Factors that determine human behavior
The rational factor. emotional factor. Why is it important to consider the emotional factor when identifying customer needs.
- What information is needed
Who is in front of you. His main interest. Can your service satisfy the main interest of the client. The basic principle: they do not acquire a service (goods), but the benefit (benefit) that is inherent in the use of the goods for the client. Therefore, it is important to know this interest. Ways to collect information.
- Question
Tactics of asking questions. What can be achieved by asking questions? Types of questions, what tasks they perform.
- Hearing is not listening
Types of listening. Basic mistakes. The most effective ways to listen.
- SPIN Technology
The ability to conduct a conversation using question methods, to bring the client to the conclusion of the transaction. Situational, problematizing, extracting and guiding questions.
Section 4. Interest. Benefit
- Main Interests. Service presentation
How to see the world through the eyes of a client. Search for main arguments. Accounting for the emotional factor. The client is not always aware of his need for your service. Even realizing his need, he may not know that your service can satisfy it. How to present a good service. action plan proposalviy for the client. Search for additional benefits. question method. Training for a successful presentation on the specifics of the company.
Section 5. Dealing with objections
- Types of objections and handling them
What objection means. Types of objections. How to prepare for dealing with objections. Stages of dealing with objections. Summary. Stories as a method of adapting objections. Errors when dealing with objections. Attitudes contributing to the effective adaptation of objections. Search for the main objection.
- Working with "difficult" clients.
How to work with doubting, indecisive, conflict and other types & nbsp; "difficult" clients.
Section 6. Closing the Deal
- Deal readiness signals
Verbal signals. non-verbal cues. Rules of conduct at the final stage.
- Working methods at the final stage:
Stories. Summary. Final rules. Exit rules. Formation of adherents of the company.
Program #3
Training Sales Technology
Duration: 2 days.
Goal: transfer of sales technology to large customers and the manager's self-control algorithm at each stage of the transaction.
- Transfer of a systematic approach to working with clients of category A (large)
- Skill building establishing contact with large clients
- Transfer of sales technology to different types of customers (decision levels)
- Assessing the effectiveness of the sales manager
- The concept of conversion and the tools for its influence on the result of the transaction
- mini lectures;
- demonstrations;
- interactive learning;
- video analysis;
- metaphorical business game
- unique "training within training" style;
- feedback in training.
- Handout.
- Professional and personal development of sales managers
- Skills in sales technology for large customers
- Recognizing different client types
- Skills to track your own performance and dynamics.
- Selling as a technology
- Sales systems by customer category
- The concepts of "contact", "levels of decision making", "Category of the client", "criteria for assessing the category of the client".
- How to identify what needs a customer of category "A" (large) has? What are the needs to improve the efficiency of the client himself (the concept of benefits for different levels of the hierarchy within the client's company)
- Identification of competencies and behavioral indicators developed and not developed in the training.
- Methods for evaluating your conversion at each stage
- Methods for dealing with objections.
- Levels of trust at each stage
Preparing for corporate training
- Methods for identifying the need for training: results of staff assessment, questionnaire results, management request, interviews, covert surveillance, simulation of work situations (Assessment Center).
- Engagement technology participants in the learning process.
- Developing a modular training program. Requirements for educational materials.
- Involving managers in the development of their employees.
Program No. 4
Sales to large clients: tools for interacting with decision makers
Goal: Increase sales efficiency with decision-making tools and sales milestone planning for managers who close deals with large strategic customers, in which the decision to purchase a product or service is influenced by several people, and the sales cycle consists of several meetings..< /p>
Duration: 2 days (16 teaching hours).
Teaching methods:
- Information blocks.
- Modeling strategic sessions.
- Business games with feedback.
- Role playing games with video analysis.
- Analysis of working situations with feedback.
- Reinforcement testing.
- Building skills that support long sales.
- Building skills for planning and searching for information about the client.
- Creating the training participants' skills in forming and developing the needs of the client.
- Developing the ability to consciously understand the meanings that the client is broadcasting (forming the ability to "hear" the client).
- Teaching training participants how to deal with objections and doubts within a consulting style.
The training is designed to give you the tools to:
- Master detection skillsand developing customer needs that lead to the purchase of your products and services.
- Get an idea of your own selling style and develop your own plan to improve your skills.
- Develop a plan to sell to a real customer that connects needs with the competitive advantage of your product or service.
- Get tools to manage your sales.
- Introduction
- Defining a sale
- Prerequisites for creating a sales strategy
- Speciality of strategic sales.
- The four key elements of strategic selling
- Element 1. Influencers
- Definition
- The roles of "agents of influence"
- The Economist
- "Consumer"
- "Technician"
- "Consultant"
- Characteristics of the roles of "Agents of influence"
- Case for determining agents of influence
- Select work cases.
- Identification of agents of influence in a real situation.
- Preparing the action plan behind this behavior.
- Element 2: Red flags
- Definitions
- The essence of the method
- Identifying Weaknesses - Red Flags
- Strengths - Arsenal
- Placing "Red Flags" for each "Agent of Influence"
- An overview of the highlights of the previous day.
- Compiling the Arsenal list.
- Item 3: Client State
- State descriptions:
- "Growth"
- "Problem"
- "Calm"
- "Self-confidence"
- Determining the probability of a sale for each state
- States for each Influencer
- Element 4. Results and Benefits
- Definitions
- Examples of results and winnings for:
- The Economist
- Technique
- "Consumer"
- "Consultant"
- Methods for determining the payoffs for each Influencer
Program #5
Sales Skills
The training will be emphasized on the development of communicative flexibility necessary for the formation of needs and argumentation of their proposal, as well as for sales to "difficult" customers. All tactical and communication techniques will be practiced on practical cases. Based on the results of the training, a report will be drawn up containing a brief assessment of the work of the participants according to the criteria agreed with the customer, & nbsp; as well as feedback from the trainer and recommendations for further personnel development.
Training Objectives:
- Give training participants a mindset to actively recommend services in the clinic.
- To equip participants with practical tools for selling and influencing the patient.
- Study techniques for identifying and shaping the needs of different categories of customers using the technology of asking questions as a tool to overcome customer indifference;
- To develop the skills of adjusting and leading the client in the communication process;
- Work out models of presentations and arguments for the choice of services.
After the training, the participants of the training will be able to:
- Increase the size of the buyer's contract.
- Make an additional sale to an already planned purchase
All techniques will be given taking into account the specifics of communication with the buyer in the clinic, within a limited time.
Form of conducting: intensive group and individual work. The program includes business and role-playing games (with video recording and subsequent analysis of the video), exercises and practical tasks.
Duration: 2 days x 4 hours
- Introduction, formation of a single information field
- Defining participants' expectations
- The concept of customer interaction. The purpose and objectives of sales of medical services. Additional sales
2. 5 step sales algorithm. Stage of establishing contact.
- Structure of the sales process
- The components of the ability to win over oneself and gain trust
- Establish contact
- Building an atmosphere of trust
3. Working with integrated and the passive need of the client
- The ability to listen and hear the interlocutor
- Join
- Active Listening
- Supporting customer opinion and decision
4. Clarifying information from the client
- Questions for information
- Types of questions
- Hedgehog questions
- Video analysis workshop
g>5. Active recommendation skills
- Different types of purchases in the clinic
- Types of recommendations for different purchases.
- CNE techniques
- Presentation of additional services
- Video analysis workshop
6. Dealing with objections
- Types of objections
- 4-step algorithm for dealing with objection, resistance,. excuse.
- Algorithm for dealing with objections
- Price objections
- Video analysis workshop
7. End communication
- Summary and summary
- Keep in touch
Program №6
Disc sales and negotiation
Introductory Course Goal:
- to form communication tactics for different types of interlocutors based on the typology of behavior DISC&Motivators
- to guide effective and sustainable persuasion based on Sprangler's typology of Motivators.
2 days
How we will work at the training:
- mini-lectures, training video and trainer's expertise (experience with these techniques since 2006, playing salesman and negotiator)
- role-playing games with video analysis, business games in mini-groups, feedback from participants and trainer
Results of quality work at the training:
- The ability to recognize the type of interlocutor based on DISC&Motivators
- The ability to adapt your communication style depending on the interlocutor.
- A plan to develop your own communication style and negotiation/sales skills