Difficult patient: rules of communication and building partnerships

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Training duration: 2 days

How often do you have to spend your nerves and time resolving conflicts? How often do you deal with difficult and conflicting clients? Is it always possible to find convincing words and arguments for the interlocutor and achieve the goal of the conversation? The training will allow you to significantly reduce the cost of internal resources in difficult and conflict situations of communication and will allow you to quickly resolve any conflict, and will also give you the opportunity to more often achieve the result you need in a conversation.


  • Study key profile features, needs and motivations of clients.
  • Identify the main types and causes of customer objections/resistance, identify options for overcoming and preventing them
  • Identify the main types and causes of conflict behavior of clients, identify options for overcoming and preventing them
  • To equip participants with practical tools to effectively communicate and influence a difficult client.
  • To develop the participants' desire and ability to listen and hear the other side in communication, successfully cope with conflict  situations and difficult clients

Training participants  will be able to:

  • Establish a steady positive contact and understand  other people.
  • Listening effectively and  have a dialogue and  be persuasive in personal contact
  • Easy to resolve conflict situations at work and in personal communication
  • Handling objections and resistances of the client in a quality manner.

Form of conducting: intensive group and individual work. The program includes business and role-playing games (with video recording and subsequent analysis of the video), exercises and practical tasks.

In the training program:

Long-term partnerships  relations

  • The Loyalty Ladder and how to climb it with the client.
  • Loyalty built through personal relationships.
  • Loyalty built through profit.
  • Stages of building trust in relationships (relationship psychology).

Classifying difficult clients

  • Complex clients (types of behavioral strategies according to V. Satir).
  • The use of emotions and ulterior motives in communications (recognition, self-affirmation, influence, envy, etc.).
  • Social stereotypes and automatisms (you tell me - I tell you, puppy, etc.)

Practicing behavioral techniques in a situation of communication with a difficult client

Communication techniques,

  • Active listening and matching
  • Practice with VIDEO ANALYSIS
  • Assertive behavior,
  • Practice with VIDEO ANALYSIS
  • Scale of emotional states,
  • Practice with VIDEO ANALYSIS
  • Dealing with the emotional hunger of the client,
  • Practice with VIDEO ANALYSIS

Use  Non-Verbal Communication for Effective Negotiations (Workshop with VIDEO ANALYSIS)

The training will be emphasized   to develop the communicative flexibility necessary for effective communication, as well as for building partnerships and sales & nbsp; difficult clients. All tactical and communication techniques will be practiced on practical cases. Based on the results of the training, a report will be drawn up containing a brief assessment of the work of the participants according to the criteria agreed with the customer, & nbsp; as well as feedback from the trainer and recommendations for further personnel development.

The training program is basic and can be adjusted to the specifics of your business.

If you did not find a suitable option on the site, please contact us and we will develop any training program for you.

You can contact us in any way convenient for you

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    Robocontract LLC (TIN: 7728848575) is engaged in innovative methods for building effective teams, including through the use of methods for testing the psychological compatibility of team members and employees. 

    Robocontract LLC is a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center


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