Testing "Emotional Intelligence"

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Emotional Intelligence EQ

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability of a person to recognize emotions, understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people and their own, as well as the ability to manage their emotions and the emotions of other people in order to solve practical problems.

эмоциональный интеллект EQ

Undoubtedly, competencies and behaviors are necessary for maximum performance, but they are not sufficient. Self-awareness, self-control, motivation, and empathy are the keys to long-term success. In a business environment, EQ plays an exceptional role: whether you consciously or unconsciously show emotions, they affect relationships with colleagues, motivation, and most importantly, the decision-making process. Research shows that successful leaders and top performers have high EQs. Therefore, many business schools include emotional intelligence training in their curriculum. However, they often focus on working with theory, while training should be aimed specifically at developing weaknesses.

Emotional intelligence answers the question: DO WE ACT WISELY?

It is believed that emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important for success than intelligence quotient (IQ), i.e. compared to those who studied well and knows a lot. Although there are several EQ models, they all converge on 4 key points. People with highly developed emotional intelligence are more likely to:

  • They are aware of their own emotional state and the level of stress they are under.
  • They are aware of the emotional state of the people around them and their level of stress.
  • Take action to consciously cope with their own emotions.
  • Take action to cope with the emotional state of others.

Research shows that people who have developed high emotional intelligence and apply its principles have better mental and physical health, increased performance, more valuable connections, and are more “lucky.”

How is EQ diagnostics carried out in Robocontract LLC?

Work on emotional intelligence begins with a diagnosis. After passing the online test, your answers are analyzed and you receive an EQ result. At any level, reporting on your EQ will help you understand your own emotional intelligence and avoid making impulsive decisions without realizing that it is emotions that influence your choices.

Report EQ The 13-page EQ report is business-friendly and simple enough to be understood and benefited by ordinary business people. Describes the five key factors of the emotional intelligence model:

  • Self-awareness - how actively a person is given by the study of his own emotional state.
  • Self-regulation - how actively a person consciously conducts positive self-adjustment.
  • Motivation - how actively a person uses his emotional energy to achieve his goals.
  • Empathy - how actively a person asks about the emotional state of others.
  • Communication skills - how actively a person manages the emotional state of others.

The next stage is an individual coaching session. Together with a professional, you will find your weaknesses and build a development plan, learn to develop your intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence and effectively apply this knowledge both in business and in life, that is, it is practical work with yourself that takes place. Thus, you get a significant competitive advantage in today's dynamic world.

Diagnostic time: 30 minutes.
Coaching session duration: 1 hour

LLC "Robocontract" held another webinar on the topic "Emotional Intelligence". At the webinar, the trainer introduced the participants to the method of diagnosing the level of Emotional Intelligence and showed how to develop it and use it effectively in life and business.

Report example

To order an EQ test, please contact us in any way convenient for you.

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    Robocontract LLC (TIN: 7728848575) is engaged in innovative methods for building effective teams, including through the use of methods for testing the psychological compatibility of team members and employees. 

    Robocontract LLC is a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center


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